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Offered Role Submission Deadline Start Date Duration (months) Organization
Post Doctoral 16/04/2006 16/05/2006 12 Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Rennes (IETR)

IETR (Electronics and Telecommunication Institute of Rennes), which is a laboratory belonging to the Univ. Rennes 1 School of Engineering and CNRS, opens a Post Doctoral position for a period of one year in the Antenna and Microwave Group.

One of the main project of the group focuses on the development of broadband (one octave at least), dual polarized and compact antennas in the UHF band. The main question revolves around the trade off regarding size impact and radioelectrical properties. The candidate should focus on miniaturization techniques applied on broadband antennas including the material aspect.

Qualifications required :

PhD in the antenna field with strong experience with electromagnetic analysis software linked to a significant background on measurements techniques. The candidate should have demonstrated skills in broadband, active and dual polarized antennas. An experience in the UHF band will be appreciated.

The candidate should have demonstrated his previous experience through papers or patents and should provide at least two recommendation letters.

Qualified applicants will be European citizens and should submit their CV. Please contact Prof. HIMDI for further information.

Prof. M. HIMDI
Campus de Beaulieu, Bat 11D
35042 RENNES CĂ©dex, France
Phone : +33 02 23 23 67 15
E-mail :

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