Table of Contents
Phased Arrays in Radar and Communication Systems
Array Characterization for Radar and Communication Systems
Pattern Characteristics of Linear and Planar Arrays
Array Analysis
Characteristics of Linear and Planar Arrays
Scanning to Endfire
Thinned Arrays
Pattern Synthesis for Linear and Planar Arrays
Linear Arrays and Planar Arrays with Separable Distributions
Circular Planar Arrays
Methods of Pattern Optimization/Adaptive Arrays
Generalized Patterns Using Covariance Matrix Inversion
Pattern Synthesis Using Measured Element Patterns
Patterns of Nonplanar Arrays
Patterns of Circular and Cylindrical Arrays
Spherical and Hemispherical Arrays
Truncated Conical Arrays
Elements, Transmission Lines, and Feed Architectures for Phased Arrays
Array Elements
Transmission Lines for Phased Array Feeds.
Array Architecture
Summary of Element Pattern and Mutual Impedance Effects
Mutual Impedance Effects
Finite Arrays, Infinite Arrays, and the Poisson Summation Formula
Array Blindness and Surface Waves
Impedance and Element Patterns in Well-Behaved Infinite Scanning Array
Wide-Angle Impedance Matching
Mutual Coupling Phenomena for Nonplanar Surfaces
Small Arrays and Waveguide Simulators for Evaluation of Phased Array Scan Behavior
Array Error Effects
Effects of Random Amplitude and Phase Errors in Periodic Arrays
Grating Lobes and Average Sidelobe Levels Due to Periodic Phase, Amplitude, and Time-Delay Quantization
Special Array Feeds for Limited Field-of-View and Wideband Arrays
Multiple Beam Systems
Antenna Techniques for Limited Field-of-View Systems
Wideband Scanning Systems
List of Symbols and Abbreviations
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