AEMC 2007
IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference
19-20 Dec 2007
Kolkata, India
The IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC 2007) is the first International Conference to be organized by the IEEE Antennas & Propagation and Microwave Theory and Techniques Joint Chapter, Calcutta Section, India. Kolkata, formerly known as Calcutta, is a prominent point in the map of electromagnetics research and development since the time of Hertz. It is here, in 1896, that Sir J.C. Bose, in a series of pioneering experiments, generated, transmitted and detected electromagnetic waves at 60 GHz. A number of university departments, research laboratories and industries have come forward to make the conference a major IEEE event in this part of the world, with an aim to make it a regular biennial event. AEMC 2007 will be held at the University College of Science and Technology, University of Calcutta.
Full paper (not exceeding four pages) describing new design/idea/results is invited for peer review. Authors are requested to prepare camera ready manuscript using IEEE template ( confpubcenter/pdfs/samplems.pdf) and to submit by e-mail ( as MS word file mentioning the topic in the template header. Efforts would be given to include the papers in IEEE Xplore.
SPECIAL SESSION I: New Thoughts and Challenges in Microwave Education SPECIAL SESSION II: Microstrip Technology: Advances in the Last Decade
Paper Submission: 15th September, 2007
Acceptance Notification: 15th October, 2007
Pre-Registration: 15th November, 2007
More information is available on the website