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Title Authors Publisher Year
Parallel Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method Wenhua Yu, Raj Mittra, Tao Su, Yongjun Liu, and Xiaoling Yang Artech House 2006


Parallel Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method


Wenhua Yu, Raj Mittra, Tao Su, Yongjun Liu, and Xiaoling Yang

Artech House

274 pages



Exploit the naturally parallel properties of the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm to improve existing Time Domain Field Solvers, and to efficiently address more complex and large problem sets with this cutting-edge reference. The book shows you how to apply MPI and MPICH to develop a parallel FDTD code, and to assemble the hardware to run it in parallel. In addition to introducing the basic concepts of the MPI library, parallel data structures, and parallel architectures, this practical resource gives you detailed guidance on implementing parallel FDTD using parallel data-exchanging code. You learn how to interconnect PCs in a cluster to efficiently execute FDTD in parallel. The book provides you with hands-on examples using large finite antenna arrays that illustrate the power of parallel FDTD. You also find practical strategies for carrying out parallel FDTD and learn about the BOR/FDTD technique and its parallel implementation. The book concludes with instructions on downloading, installing, and setting up the MPI library on both Windows and Linux systems, as well as a handy tutorial on MPI data types, operators, and functions in FORTRAN and C.


Table of Contents


FDTD Method


Basic Concepts of Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD)

Numerical Dispersion Associated with the FDTD Method

Stability Characteristics

Non-Uniform Mesh


Boundary Conditions


PEC and PMC Boundary Condition

Mur Absorbing Boundary Condition

Unsplit PML

Stretched Coordinate PML

Time Domain Convolution PML


Parallel FDTD Method


Introduction to MPI Library

Data Exchanging Technique on Parallel FDTD

Domain Decomposition Technique in Parallel FDTD

Realization of Parallel FDTD Method

Result Collection Technique in Parallel FDTD

Parallel Technique Relative to Parallel FDTD

Numerical Examples


Implementation of MPI: MPICH


MPICH Introduction

Data Transform Processing

Efficiency Analysis of Parallel FDTD

Parallel FDTD Optimization


Advanced FDTD Methods


PEC Conformal Technique

Dielectric Conformal Technique

ADI-FDTD Technique

Dispersive Medium Simulation

Lumped Element Simulation


Excitation Source Techniques


Excitation Source Introduction

Excitation Source Analysis

Local Sources

Excitation Techniques of Transformation Lines

Output Power Analysis of Local Excitation Sources

Relationship of Time Delay and Phase Difference

Plane Wave Source


FDTD Result Processing Techniques


Result Collection and Fourier Transformation

Signal Model Extraction

Near-to-Far Field Transform


Engineering Allocation of Parallel FDTD


Finite Patch Antenna

Finite Crossed Dipole Array




BOR/FDTD Introduction

BOR/FDTD Techniques


Near-to-Far Field Transform for BOR/FDTD

Singularity Boundary Condition

Simulation Techniques for Partial Symmetric Structures


Parallel BOR/FDTD


Parallel BOR/FDTD Technique

Realization Technique of Parallel BOR/FDTD

Efficiency Analysis of Parallel BOR/FDTD

Reflector Antenna System Simulation


Appendix: Basic MPI Introduction


FORTRAN Functions

C Functions

MPI Data Types

MPI Operators

Download, Installation and Set-up of MPI Library

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