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Title Authors Publisher Year
Phased Array Antenna Handbook Robert J. Mailloux Artech House 2005


Phased Array Antenna Handbook, Second Edition


Robert J. Mailloux

Artech House

508 pages



This newly revised edition of the Artech House classic, Phased Array Antenna Handbook, offers the most up-to-date and broadest view of array antennas and systems. You find complete design details that allow you to size an array system with a speed and confidence. The second edition offers you a wealth of new material, including a detailed treatment of antenna system noise, sections on antenna pattern synthesis, developments in subarray technology, and in-depth information on array architecture and components. Moreover, you find expanded coverage of systems aspects of arrays for radar and communications. Supported with over 350 equations and more than 270 illustrations, this practical book helps you evaluate basic antenna parameters such as gain, sidelobe levels, and noise. You learn how to compute antenna system noise, design subarray geometries for given bandwidth, scan and sidelobe constraints, and choose array illumination tapers for given sidelobe levels.


Table of Contents


Phased Arrays in Radar and Communication Systems



Array Characterization for Radar and Communication Systems


Pattern Characteristics of Linear and Planar Arrays


Array Analysis

Characteristics of Linear and Planar Arrays

Scanning to Endfire

Thinned Arrays


Pattern Synthesis for Linear and Planar Arrays


Linear Arrays and Planar Arrays with Separable Distributions

Circular Planar Arrays

Methods of Pattern Optimization/Adaptive Arrays

Generalized Patterns Using Covariance Matrix Inversion

Pattern Synthesis Using Measured Element Patterns


Patterns of Nonplanar Arrays



Patterns of Circular and Cylindrical Arrays

Spherical and Hemispherical Arrays

Truncated Conical Arrays


Elements, Transmission Lines, and Feed Architectures for Phased Arrays


Array Elements

Transmission Lines for Phased Array Feeds.

Array Architecture


Summary of Element Pattern and Mutual Impedance Effects


Mutual Impedance Effects

Finite Arrays, Infinite Arrays, and the Poisson Summation Formula

Array Blindness and Surface Waves

Impedance and Element Patterns in Well-Behaved Infinite Scanning Array

Wide-Angle Impedance Matching

Mutual Coupling Phenomena for Nonplanar Surfaces

Small Arrays and Waveguide Simulators for Evaluation of Phased Array Scan Behavior


Array Error Effects



Effects of Random Amplitude and Phase Errors in Periodic Arrays

Grating Lobes and Average Sidelobe Levels Due to Periodic Phase, Amplitude, and Time-Delay Quantization


Special Array Feeds for Limited Field-of-View and Wideband Arrays


Multiple Beam Systems

Antenna Techniques for Limited Field-of-View Systems

Wideband Scanning Systems


List of Symbols and Abbreviations


About the Author



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